Dividend Growth Strategy

Research & Selection Overview

Fundamental research determines our portfolio holdings that are best positioned for total return potential. Companies that meet our criteria have demonstrated operating consistency, attractive fundamentals, and reasonable valuations.

Our equity analysts follow a repeatable three step process to identify these companies:

Investment Selection Process


Qualitative Analysis

Our research team evaluates various qualitative factors such as the company's commitment to dividends, the overall competitive advantage of the business and management's ability to consistently generate earnings growth.

Financial Analysis

Our research team generates proprietary estimates of future revenue and earnings growth, evaluates balance sheet strength and the potential for free cash flow generation and dividend sustainability and growth.

Valuation & Risk Analysis

Our research team determines sector appropriate valuation & risk metrics and incorporates these factors into our proprietary financial models to assess relative risk/reward.


For more information on the Brentview Dividend Growth Strategy Philosophy and Process, please view our Investor Presentation.

Investor Presentation

Brentview Dividend Growth Strategy Materials

Brentview’s total return approach seeks to emphasize performance consistency.

To achieve this outcome we broadly diversify the portfolio across:

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Fact Sheet

Most recent strategy returns, key statistics, exposures and holdings related data.

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Investor Presentation

Overview of our investment universe, philosophy, process and portfolio characteristics.

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Performance Analytics

Comprehensive analysis of returns and various performance-related statics since inception.

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