Dividend Growth Strategy

Strategy Performance

The Brentview Dividend Growth strategy seeks to outperform the benchmark, with additional downside protection, while experiencing less volatility
through a broadly diversified portfolio.

For more statistical information on the Brentview Dividend Growth Strategy Performance, please view our Analytics Report.

Analytics Report


Annualized Returns




As of 06/30/2024. Returns greater than 1 year are annualized.

For more statistical information on the Brentview Dividend Growth Strategy Performance, please view our Analytics Report.

Analytics Report

The U.S. Dollar is the currency used to express performance. Performance figures prior to June 1, 2019 represents a pooled fund managed by the portfolio manager in the same strategy as the Dividend Growth Composite at a prior firm. This performance conforms with the portability requirements of GIPS. Figures from June 1, 2019 to present are based on a composite performance of all accounts at this firm. NET returns are shown net of the management fees and transaction costs within the accounts. NET returns are calculated by deducting the highest applicable annual management fee of 0.50% from GROSS returns applied monthly. Not all accounts pay the same management fees. GROSS returns are provided for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Actual fees, costs and performance may vary depending on many factors.

Brentview Investment Management, LLC is an independent registered investment adviser. Brentview Investment Management, LLC claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®). GIPS® is a registered trademark of CFA Institute. CFA Institute does not endorse or promote this organization, nor does it warrant the accuracy or quality of the content contained herein.

To receive a GIPS® compliant presentation please visit the Brentview GIPS® Page



Strategy Inception


Annualized Return (gross)


Beta vs S&P 500


Alpha vs S&P 500

Brentview Dividend Growth Strategy Materials

Brentview’s total return approach seeks to emphasize performance consistency.

To achieve this outcome we broadly diversify the portfolio across:

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Fact Sheet

Most recent strategy returns, key statistics, exposures and holdings related data.

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Investor Presentation

Overview of our investment universe, philosophy, process and portfolio characteristics.

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Performance Analytics

Comprehensive analysis of returns and various performance-related statics since inception.

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